For Polonina Caryńskie autumn.

Date made: 2013-10-12 12 October 2013 we set for an autumn expedition in Bieszczady. The weather was beautiful, Unfortunately, it was enough just to 1 day. On Saturday we went for Polonina Caryńską. Next day – na Bukowe Berdo. Only on Saturday, you can take pictures. On Sunday in the mountains was thick fog. Technique: …

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Hike through Polonina Caryńską

Date made: 2013-08-23 Połonina Caryńska (Berehowska) – one of the pastures in the Bieszczady, massif located between the valleys Prowczy and Wołosate, in which lie the village edges upper and upper Ustrzyki. In the north Przysłup Caryński separates the massif of Magura Stuposiańskiej, and to the south by Wyżniańską Pass is bordered on the Department in the band ...

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Połonina Caryńska (Berehowska)

Date made: 2013-08-23 Połonina Caryńska (Berehowska) – one of the pastures in the Bieszczady, massif located between the valleys Prowczy and Wołosate, in which lie the village edges upper and upper Ustrzyki. In the north Przysłup Caryński separates the massif of Magura Stuposiańskiej, and to the south by Wyżniańską Pass is bordered on the Department in the band ...

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