Chapel in the Cathedral of Vilnius Kazimierzowska

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. One of the most interesting parts of the Cathedral of St.. Stanislaus in Vilnius is the Chapel of St. George. Kazimierz. It is built in the style of the early Baroque chapel, designed by Matteo Castelli, built between 1623-1636. Castelli started its construction, and after a year 1632 took it and finished Constantin Tencalla. Kaplica poświęcona jest świętemu Kazimierzowi …

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St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus in Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus is probably the most important church in Vilnius. It was built on the site of a pagan temple of the god Perkunas. Probably the founder of the first cathedral in this place was Wladyslaw Jagiello, who ordered to build a church after the baptism of Lithuania. Modern form is the result of reconstruction carried out in the second half of the eighteenth century. wg projektu …

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