Pierwsze krokusy w Dolinie Chochołowskiej

Date of execution: 2015-04-12. Nie mając żadnego doświadczenia kiedy należy to zrobić, w ostatnią niedzielę, 12,.04.2015, wybraliśmy się do Doliny Chochołowskiej z nadzieją, że tuż przed połową kwietnia powinny już kwitnąć krokusy. I faktycznie. Już jadąc przez Chochołów i Witów widać było na przydrożnych łączkach i przydomowych placach fioletową poświatę, którą …

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Chapel in the Cathedral of Vilnius Kazimierzowska

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. One of the most interesting parts of the Cathedral of St.. Stanislaus in Vilnius is the Chapel of St. George. Kazimierz. It is built in the style of the early Baroque chapel, designed by Matteo Castelli, built between 1623-1636. Castelli started its construction, and after a year 1632 took it and finished Constantin Tencalla. Kaplica poświęcona jest świętemu Kazimierzowi …

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St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus in Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus is probably the most important church in Vilnius. It was built on the site of a pagan temple of the god Perkunas. Probably the founder of the first cathedral in this place was Wladyslaw Jagiello, who ordered to build a church after the baptism of Lithuania. Modern form is the result of reconstruction carried out in the second half of the eighteenth century. wg projektu …

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Gates of Dawn
in the Old Town of Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. The words of the poem by Adam Mickiewicz: “…Holy Virgin, Czestochowa clear defend what I shine the Gate of Dawn! Ty, what city you protect the castle Nowogródzki…” are probably known to every Pole, in any event, each, which read “Pan Tadeusz”. Coming to Vilnius, you have to see this place praised by the Prophet. …

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Matka i serce syna
Cmentarz na Rossie, Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. Prawdopodobnie najważniejszym grobem na cmentarzu Rossy w Wilnie jest grób, w którym spoczywa serce Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego u stóp trumny ze szczątkami Jego Matki, Marii z Billewiczów Piłsudskiej. Na płycie grobowej widnieje lakoniczny napis: MATKA I SERCE SYNA, ale każdy Polak przybywający na Rossę wie, Who in ...

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Church of St.. Peter and Paul in Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. This church was founded by Kazimierz Pac, Lithuanian hetman probably as a vote for the successful conclusion of the war with Moscow and Vilnius liberation from the hands of the occupant Moscow. Construction began in 1658 r according to the design of Krakow architect John Zaor. Inside the church is decorated with white stucco and paintings, whose authors are Italian ...

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Giżycko – footbridge over the Canal Gizycki

Date of execution: 2014-08-01. Giżycko is one of the most famous in Poland, the Mazury tourist destinations and sailing. The city lies on the trail of the great lakes of the Masurian. Giżycko is even called “sailing capital of the Polish”. The city lies at the heart of the Great Masurian lakes. It is situated on lakes Niegocin, Kisajno (southern part of the complex Mamry Lake), Tajty …

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Giżycko, Lake Niegocin – marina

Date of execution: 2014-08-01. Giżycko is one of the most famous in Poland, the Mazury tourist destinations and sailing. The city lies on the trail of the great lakes of the Masurian. Giżycko is even called “sailing capital of the Polish”. The city lies at the heart of the Great Masurian lakes. It is situated on lakes Niegocin, Kisajno (southern part of the complex Mamry Lake), Tajty …

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Castle of the Teutonic Order in Kętrzyn – courtyard

Date of execution: 2014-07-31. Castle of the Teutonic Order in Kętrzyn belongs to one of the oldest castles of the Teutonic Knights in the Polish lands, because it comes from the second half of the fourteenth century. The construction started in the year 1350, and how durable – believes historians are divided. Some argue, that was completed in 1370r, others say, that it lasted ...

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Sunrise over Lake Lateral

Date of execution: 2014-08-03. Morning and the sunrise over the lake was a period of great peace and tranquility. You can only hear the sound of waves crashing on the shore and creaking bridges… Technique: apparatus: Canon 550D lens: Sigma 8 mm/F:3,5 exposure: F:8, 1/80 s, ISO 100 type: Spherical panorama HDR: not, only Tonemapping location: Bogaczewo (Warmian-Masurian)

Home birth of Frederic Chopin

Date of execution: 2014-08-10. On the www.warsawtour.pl can read, among others,: “Frederic Chopin was born in assets Count Skarbek in Zelazowa Wola, where his father was a tutor, and the mother relative of the Count, who gave them assistance. Chopin lived in the annexe next to the manor. When Frederick was seven months, the family moved to ...

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