Park Pokoju i Kościól Pokoju w Jaworze

Date of execution: 2015-05-16. Kliknij w obrazek powyżej, aby otworzyć panoramę Park Pokoju w Jaworze to dawny plac cmentarny przy Kościele Pokoju, jednym z trzech kościołów protestanckich zbudowanych w wyniku ustaleń Pokoju Westfalskiego, zawartego na zakończenie wojny trzydziestoletniej. Pierwszy z tych kościołów wybudowano w Głogowie. Jednak nie przetrwał on pożaru, który …

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Kościół Pokoju pw Ducha Świętego w Jaworze

Date of execution: 2015-05-16. Kościół Pokoju w Jaworze to drugi – w kolejności budowy – z trzech kościołów protestanckich zbudowanych w wyniku ustaleń Pokoju Westfalskiego, zawartego na zakończenie wojny trzydziestoletniej. Zgodnie z ustaleniami Szwecja zobowiązała cesarza Austro-Węgier, Ferdynanda III do zbudowania trzech kościołów protestanckich na Śląsku. Na mocy dekretu cesarskiego zbudowano …

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Wycieczka po Kościele Pokoju w Świdnicy

Date of execution: 2015-05-16. Kościół Pokoju w Świdnicy jet jednym z najznamienitszych zabytków architektury sakralnej na Świecie. W samej Świdnicy należy do trzech najważniejszych miejsc wartych zwiedzenia. Historia tego kościoła sięga XVII w. To jeden z trzech kościołów protestanckich zbudowanych w wyniku ustaleń Pokoju Westfalskiego, zawartego na zakończenie wojny trzydziestoletniej. Na …

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Kościół Pokoju pw. Holy Trinity in Swidnica

Date of execution: 2015-05-16. Kościół Pokoju to jeden z trzech kościołów protestanckich zbudowanych w wyniku ustaleń pokoju westfalskiego, zawartego na zakończenie wojny trzydziestoletniej. Na mocy dekretu cesarskiego zbudowano wówczas trzy kościoły: w Głogowie, w Jaworze i w Świdnicy. Jednym z warunków budowy było wykonanie świątyni z nietrwałych materiałów: drewna, gliny i …

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Church of St. Peter and Paul on Antokol (Vilnius)

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. Church. St.. Peter and St. Paul on Antokol in Vilnius, funded by Casimir Pac, Lithuanian hetman. This was probably a votive offering for the successful conclusion of the war with Moscow and Vilnius liberation of Moscow from the hands of the occupant. Construction began in 1658 r according to the design of Krakow architect John Zaor. Wewnątrz kościół …

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Chapel in the Cathedral of Vilnius Kazimierzowska

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. One of the most interesting parts of the Cathedral of St.. Stanislaus in Vilnius is the Chapel of St. George. Kazimierz. It is built in the style of the early Baroque chapel, designed by Matteo Castelli, built between 1623-1636. Castelli started its construction, and after a year 1632 took it and finished Constantin Tencalla. Kaplica poświęcona jest świętemu Kazimierzowi …

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St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus in Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. St. Paul's Cathedral. Stanislaus is probably the most important church in Vilnius. It was built on the site of a pagan temple of the god Perkunas. Probably the founder of the first cathedral in this place was Wladyslaw Jagiello, who ordered to build a church after the baptism of Lithuania. Modern form is the result of reconstruction carried out in the second half of the eighteenth century. wg projektu …

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Church of St.. Peter and Paul in Vilnius

Date of execution: 2014-07-29. This church was founded by Kazimierz Pac, Lithuanian hetman probably as a vote for the successful conclusion of the war with Moscow and Vilnius liberation from the hands of the occupant Moscow. Construction began in 1658 r according to the design of Krakow architect John Zaor. Inside the church is decorated with white stucco and paintings, whose authors are Italian ...

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Church in Źeliszowie

Date made: 2013-06-09 Protestant Church, from the end of the seventeenth century. Its design is attributed to the German architect Carl Langhansowi, author of the project of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The church stands empty since the end of the war, is increasingly devastated and deteriorating. Probably the last moments of his existence, because they take no maintenance or ...

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Charles Vary – Orthodox Church p.w. St.. Peter and St.. Paul

Published: 2011-12-28 Date made: 2011-11-27 Karlovy Vary (czes. Karlovy Vary, niem. Carlsbad) ? a city in western Bohemia, the capital city of Karlovy Vary. It is located in the Basin Sokolowski, at the foot of the Slavkovský, at the confluence of Ochrzy and Hot. It is the largest Czech spa and the largest of the cities making up the so-called. triangle in West Spa (Karlovy Vary ...

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Sandomierz – Church of the Holy. Michael

Date made: 2010-08-22 Church of St.. Michael and former monastery of the Benedictine Sisters erected in the XVII century. Benedictine Sandomierz were brought by the crown marshal the great Elizabeth Sieniawska in 1613r. The first wooden monastery was burned. The construction of the new brick buildings began in 1627r. .The work conducted Sieniawska daughter Zofia founder, abbess of the convent of Sandomierz. Kościół powstał …

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Sandomierz – tour of the church. St.. Michael

Church of St.. Michael and former monastery of the Benedictine Sisters erected in the XVII century. Benedictine Sandomierz were brought by the crown marshal the great Elizabeth Sieniawska in 1613r. The first wooden monastery was burned. The construction of the new brick buildings began in 1627r. The work conducted Sieniawska daughter Zofia founder, abbess of the convent of Sandomierz. The church was built in the period 1682-1692. …

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