360 ° panorama, which can be found on this page give a feeling of being in a virtual reality, hence sometimes are called VR (z ang. = virtual reality virtual reality), QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Reality = virtual reality using Apple's QuickTime).
On this website is usually placed after the opening of the miniature panorama:
When you place the mouse cursor over the thumbnail shows a sign symbol playlist, indicating, that in order to open the panorama, click on the thumbnail. In the same window, which should open a miniature panorama.
On the old version of the site running the script automatically detects how the pan. Preferred are viewing panoramas using player Deval VR, but if you have the Flash player installed, This panorama should be open to using this add-on to the browser.
The new version of the site was created, that there was no need to use Adobe Flash Player on Apple devices, np. iPads and iPhones and the latest versions of Android (starting from version 4.3). On this page using a technology called HTML5. At the moment, not all of my panoramas and tours are prepared for the technology.
If you do not see a panorama, mean, that is not on your computer installed Flash Player, or you are using a mobile device acting on the basis of HTML5, a panorama and a trip was not for this device yet prepared. In this case the urge to return to my side for some time. Gradually I will, accommodate panorama and trips to work in HTML5.
Displayed panorama – as mentioned – contains more, than, which will be released in the first moment on screen. To see more, steer panorama: cause clockwise rotation, left, up down. It is used for the navigation menu, or you can do it directly in pointing device (Mouse, touchpad, TrackPoint, or just your fingers on mobile devices.
On the resulting panorama is a set of icons – Navigation buttons allow rotation panorama, zoom in and pan etc.. It is worth finding among them the corresponding icon for zooming to full screen panoramas., as a way for viewing panoramas provides the greatest impression.
Control panorama:
- to rotate the panorama to the left, right, up or down:
- click on the image with your mouse, or pointing device and hold down the left mouse button and “Pull” the pan in the desired direction
- Pull your finger in the desired direction skyline / li>
- to zoom in or out (change the field of view):
- turn the mouse wheel:or
- on mobile devices “pinch image (decrease) or displace the fingers applied to the display(Zoom)
or - press the key left SHIFT key to zoom in.
- press the key left CTRL, to reduce image.
Navigation menu, which usually is located on the panorama, contains the following options:
In addition to the arrow keys used to move the panorama in each direction on the menu are the keys to display the panorama in full screen and to start and stop automatic rotation panorama.