Rovinj 2016, Chorwacja – Virtual tour

Date of execution: 2016-07-21. After a visit to Rovinj, which took place last year, a virtual tour was created, available at This year I was able to do some new panoramas in some other part of the city, the one in which there is a Franciscan monastery with the Church. St.. Franciszka. The streets here are as ...,pl

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Motovun Chorwacja/Croatia – Virtual tour

Date of execution: 2016-07-15. Piękny Motovun jest kolejnym kamiennym miasteczkiem, które odzwiedziliśy w jednym z urlopowych dni. Leży na południowej krawędzi doliny rzeki Mirnej (277 m n.p.m.), ok. 20 km na północny zachód od Pazina. Usytowany jest on malowniczo na szczytach kilku wzniesień. In his preserved to this day in perfect condition ...,pl

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Motovun. Istria, Chorwacja/Croatia

Date of execution: 2016-07-15. Motovun is one of the small, charming towns in Istria in Croatia. In its walls you can find many traces of the history of the built in Italian style town. Motovun was probably the site of the Roman military camp on the site of the former Illyrian settlement. In 1278 He was occupied by the Republic of Venice, która …

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Grožnjan/Grisignana, Istria, Chorwacja/Croatia

Date of execution: 2016-07-15. Grožnjan to położone na wzgórzu, na uboczu głównej drogi ufortyfikowane miasteczko, pochodzące z okresu weneckiego. Znajduje się ono w pobliżu kilku, obecnie nieczynnych kopalń odkrywkowych kamienia istryjskiego. Mówi się, że część Wenecji została zbudowana z kamienia wydobytego z lokalnych kamieniołomów. Grožnjan nazywany był “Castle”, because he was surrounded by ...,pl

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Hum, Chorwacja (Croatia) – the smallest city in the world

Date of execution: 2016-07-22. During his stay in Istria tried to besides lying on the beach to see something interesting of the attractions available in the region. Some places already knew, but there were also those, the existence of which we learned only being in Istria. Such a new place,which as far as we can discern, nie docierają zbyt …

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Plac Św. Peter, Anioł Pański, Rzym-Watykan

Date of execution: 2016-05-01. Być w Rzymie i papieża nie widzieć? Niemożliwe! Oto dowód, że tradycji stało się zadość. Byliśmy w Rzymie i papieża widzieliśmy. Jak go widzieliśmy, oddaje obraz na panoramie. Malutka, słabo widoczna w mroku gabinetu postać to właśnie papież Franciszek. Technique: apparatus: Canon 550D lens: Sigma 8mm/F:3,5 exposure: …

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Venice (Venezia), Piazzetta San Marco,it, Italy

Date of execution: 2016-05-04. In Venice reportedly only part of the main square of St.. Mark deserves nazweę”piazza”, or square. All other supposedly are called by locals “piazetta”. Photo taken in front of the palace was doge of Venice on the part of Saint Mark's Square leading to the Grand Canal (Large channel) i jako że jest to mniejszy plac …

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River, Old Town, Chorwacja – virtual walk

Date of execution: 2015-08-21. In Croatia we were on a trip to the office Rainbow Tours. It was the tour objazdowo-area and in accordance with conditions in addition to touring days should include three days of rest in the hotel located in Istria, a maximum distance. 500 m from the sea. Unfortunately, despite, that in Istria there are many hotels, które spełniają …

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Rovinj, Chorwacja; Old Town – virtual walk

Date of execution: 2015-08-22. Rovinj is one of the most interesting towns located on the peninsula of Istria in Croatia. Even after getting to the city we saw a picture of how Venice: houses growing straight out of the water, as if drowned in the sea surrounding the peninsula, where is situated the old town. The town is dominated by a church located on a hill ...

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