Połonina Wetlińska

Date made: 2013-08-24 The Bieszczady one of the most attractive band is the band pastures, which does not occur in other Polish mountains. The most famous of them should Połonina Wetlińska (1255m n.p.m.), on top of which is a shelter PTTK “Atka Puchatka”. Połonina Wetlińska is one of the most famous and most visited places Bieszczady. …

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For Polonina Wetlińska

Date made: 2013-08-24 The Bieszczady one of the most attractive band is the band pastures, which does not occur in other Polish mountains. The most famous of them should Połonina Wetlińska (1255m n.p.m.), on top of which is a shelter PTTK “Atka Puchatka”. Połonina Wetlińska is one of the most famous and most visited places Bieszczady. …

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